計算機概論 I Introduction to Computer I
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老師: 陳聿廣
助教: 林宜霆, 柯蓉鈁, 卓胤蓉, 丁慧慈, 周冠誠, 張孫婕, 施奕瑄, 吳亭儀, 李孟軒, 張為淳
[C++ Programming] 計算機概論 I Introduction to Computer I
電機工程學系 Department of Electrical Engineering (5001)
學士班 Undergraduate Program
129 人
  Programming is one of the most important skills for EE/CS students to solve complicated engineering problems. This course will provide in-depth knowledge about C++ programming as well as problem solving skills. We expected that most of the students do not have programming experiences. Therefore, this course will start from fundamental C++ syntax and programming concepts, following by explanations of the details behind. Moreover, students need to learn not only theories but also implementations by completing programming assignments individually.
    This course is specially designed for EE freshman students and will have strong links with Calculus, General Physics A, Introduction to Digital Systems, Engineering Mathematics-Linear Algebra courses. Students are expected to spend A LOT OF time on programming practices and reading supplementary teaching materials. It is strongly recommended to take “Introduction to Computer Science Laboratory” course at the same time so the exercises in the Lab course can help you to complete the programming assignments. For student from other departments, it would be better to carefully thought over before you join since this would be a heave-loaded course and you have to pick-up EE domain knowledge by yourself.   
    After taking this course, you should understand the principle of how a program works and what are “good” coding styles and habits. You should also have ability to derive an algorithm and realize the corresponding programming to solve complicated problems. You also should have ideas about how to use program to solve problems in other EE majors. Note that this is a “in-depth” course so you are expected to learn more details than other C++ courses. These details would be very helpful when you learn other programming languages such as python or Java. Finally, we would like to build your self-learning ability so that you should know how to do when you encounter problems in the future.
Chapter 1 - Introduction to Computers
Chapter 2 - Introduction to C++ Programming
Chapter 3 - Control Statement: Part 1
Chapter 4 - Control Statement: Part 2
Chapter 5 – Functions and Recursion
Chapter 6 - Arrays and Vectors
Chapter 7 - Pointers
Chapter 8 - Sequential-Access Files
Chapter 22 - Bits, Characters, C Strings and structs
Chapter 9 - Classes
Chapter 10 - Classes: A Deeper Look
"C++ How to Program - Late Objects Version, By P. J. Deitel and H. M. Deitel, 7th Edition (2011)Pearson Education Inc,ISBN: 0-13-248458-7"
Reference books
"C++ How to Program", by By P. J. Deitel and H. M. Deitel, 10th Edition, Pearson Education Inc, ISBN-10: 013444888X
"C++ 教學手冊 第三版", 洪維恩, 旗標出版, ISBN:9789577179371
Homework Assignment      30% 
Quizzes and Attendance    15%
Midterm Exam                    15% 
Final Exam                         20% 
Final Project                       20%
Bonus Points                      ??%
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